Mumbai: Fifteen-year-old Maleesha Kharwa from the slums of Dharavi in Mumbai is an aspiring model, a content creator, and the face of the cosmetic company Forest Essentials’ new campaign, ‘Yuvati Selection’. According to the reports, she has even bagged Hollywood offers.
Sharing the video on Instagram, Forest Essentials wrote, “Her face lit up with pure delight, to see her dreams in front of her in sight. Maleesha’s story is a beautiful reminder that dreams really do come true.”
Ever since her story went viral, her post has been filled with supportive and encouraging comments from social media users. Some were mesmerised by her beauty, while others were happy about her success and wished her the best.
Maleesha is an aspiring model who has already bagged two Hollywood movie offers in her kitty now. Her skills in acting and modelling evolved with her journey as a content creator on Instagram. With a knack for producing dynamic shoots, her social media is a deep insight into her creativity. She has also been featured in a short film, titled “Live Your Fairytale”, which features no professional actors, and captures the experience of five slum children who dine in a restaurant for the first time in life. The film by Arsala Qureishi and Jas Sagu had a YouTube premiere on Saturday.
Maleesha’s incredible journey began when she was discovered by Hollywood actor Robert Hoffman in 2020, who had come to India to shoot a music video. While she didn’t get cast in the video, Robert was struck by her beauty, and to encourage her talent, he created a Go Fund Me page for her.
After her meeting with Robert, Maleesha started her own Instagram page, which now has more than 2,25,000 followers.