Karnataka: Former Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has claimed that the letter sent to the Congress’ top command in his name is fake. The letter in question was addressed to Sonia Gandhi, chairwoman of the AICC, and warned that disagreements over tickets would spark unrest inside the party ranks.
Sharing a copy of the purported letter, Siddaramaiah tweeted, “I have not written any such letter. This is a malicious fake letter. This is how the BJP workers have conspired to create confusion among our workers. The BJP workers have lashed out that they have sunk to the lowest level like their leaders.
In order to confuse the workers about the party, which is poised to win the next election, the letter was released, Siddaramaiah claimed.
The veteran Congress leader’s absence from the Bharat Jodo Yatra conclusion in Srinagar increased rumours about a potential conflict over ticket allocation for the 2018 Assembly elections between the former chief minister and Karnataka Pradesh Congress (KPCC) President DK Shivakumar.
Siddaramaiah has said, he is going to file a complaint with the police while he believes that the culprits behind this misdeed will be found and punished. Additionally, he claimed that the letter was issued in his name with the malevolent objective of destroying his connection with the president of the KPCC.
“A fake letter in my name is being circulated. Some miscreants did this with the malicious intention of spoiling the relationship between me and the KPCC president. I wish to clarify that I have nothing to do with this letter,” he said.