Chennai: A day ahead of the Leo release, Thalapathy Vijay starrer has landed in another big trouble. On Wednesday, film trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan took to his X handle and revealed that the Tamil Nadu government has refused to allow 4 am or 7 am shows for the much-awaited film. Not just this, the state government has also asked theatre owners to ban teaser or trailer celebrations inside movie halls. The decision came after Vijay’s fans vandalised Rohini Hall in Chennai during Leo trailer screening earlier this month.
“Tamil Nadu government REFUSES to accept Madras High Court’s reconsideration on #Leo 7 am shows. Hence it is CLEAR now that there is no 4 am or 7 am shows for #LokeshKanagaraj’s #LeoFilm. As stated in earlier GO, Joseph Vijay’s #LEOFDFS will start only at 9 am,” the trade analyst wrote.
Vijay-starrer Leo is one of his most awaited films this year. In order to make a grand movie-watching experience for fans, Seven Screen Studios Production filed a petition before the Madras High Court requesting to allow the film to be screened at 4 am on the first day of the film’s release in Tamil Nadu.
However, on Tuesday, Justice Anita Sumanth, refrained from passing orders regarding the request for 4 am shows. The court also directed the Tamil Nadu government to reconsider its decision to not allow 7 am shows for the film. But Manobala confirmed in a new tweet on Wednesday that even 7 am shows will not be allowed for the film.
Leo is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and marks their reunion after the 2021 blockbuster, Master. The film also reunites Vijay with Trisha Krishnan. They have earlier worked together in films like Ghilli, Kuruvi, Thirupaachi and Aathi. Sanjay Dutt is also a part of the film.