California: A new lawsuit filed by maintenance workers and gardeners against star Kim Kardashian claimed that she has violated labor laws at her Hidden Hills home.
Andrew Ramirez; his brother, Christopher Ramirez, and son Andrew Ramirez Jr.; Aron Cabrea; Rene Ernesto Flores; Jesse Fernandez and Robert Araiza, who worked on the property as gardeners and maintenance staff, claim Kardashian withheld taxes from their wages without furnishing those amounts to the government.
They also allege Kardashian did not pay for overtime, did not allow meal and rest breaks and required a 16-year-old on the crew to surpass the 48 weekly working hours allowed for one his age. One plaintiff claims when he raised some of these issues, he was fired.
A spokesperson for Kardashian said “These workers were hired and paid through a third-party vendor hired by Kim to provide ongoing services. Kim is not party to the agreement made between the vendor and their workers, therefore she is not responsible for how the vendor manages their business and the agreements they have made directly with their staff.
“Kim has never not paid a vendor for their services and hopes that the issue between these workers and the vendor who hired them can be amicably resolved soon.”
While Kim Kardashian West is named as defendant, the suit also lists “DOES 1 through 50, inclusive” — placeholders for individuals or businesses who are not yet named but may be added later as defendants.