Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut reacted to the recent arrest of Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra in a pornography-related case as he was produced before the Esplanade Court on Tuesday afternoon.
Kangana took her Instagram handle to react to Raj’s arrest. She wrote: “This is why I call movie industry a gutter… all that glitter is not gold, I am going to expose under belly of Bullywood in my upcoming production called Tiku weds Sheru..”
“We need strong value system and conscience in the creative industry and of course a whip,” she further added.
Meanwhile, Raj Kundra was arrested on Monday night after an FIR was filed against him and others in February 2021. A second complaint was lodged with Mumbai Police, calling Kundra the “key conspirator” in the case.