Jerusalem: Amid concerns over the Omicron variant, Israel’s coronavirus cabinet has decided to tighten coronavirus-related restrictions.
According to Prime Minister’s office, the “Purple Ribbon” restrictions will be imposed on shopping malls, meaning the capacity in these shops will be limited to one person for every 15 square meters.
The office said that the “Green Pass” scheme, which allows entry to public venues only to fully vaccinated people, will be imposed on shops larger than 100 square meters.
Only places in malls and shopping centres that provide “essential services” will not require a Green Pass, the statement added.
In schools located in “red” and “orange” communities, where infection rates are high, classrooms in which fewer than 70 per cent of the pupils have been vaccinated, will be required to learn from home via video link.
The new restrictions are expected to come into effect in the next few days, after the parliament’s approval.
Earlier on Tuesday, the government decided to reduce the physical presence of employees to 50 per cent in working places in the government and public sector.