Bhubaneswar: Excise officials on Thursday busted another illicit brewing unit in Salia Sahi and uncovered a significant quantity of poach and wine.
Saliasahi has turned into a hub for illicit liquor. Despite numerous raids, illicit liquor units continue to emerge.
 On Thursday morning, bulldozers were deployed in Salia Sahi, as the administration began demolishing the homes of those involved in liquor smuggling.
The excise department has enforced stringent measures in IDCO and Nilchakranagar, resulting in the arrest of eight individuals thus far.
Nevertheless, the trade of country liquor persists in Salia Sahi, with secret chambers within homes being used for the sale and production of hooch, where hundreds of litres were stored.
A special police operation in Salia Sahi led to the arrest of one individual and the earlier destruction of three illicit liquor factories, with thousands of litres of hooch confiscated.