Nayagarh: In a recent development, four police personnel from Nayagarh have been suspended for misconduct following an altercation on New Year’s Eve. The incident occurred at Trinath Bazaar Road, leading to disciplinary action against the involved officers.
The suspended officers have been identified as Dillip Behera, Muna Behera, Sanjay Mahapatra, and Durga Madhav Dora. According to reports, the altercation stemmed from a dispute over the printing of a card, which escalated into a physical confrontation.
Following the incident, complaints were lodged at the Nayagarh Town Police Station by both groups involved in the altercation. The Superintendent of Police (SP) of Nayagarh, upon reviewing the situation, identified a breach of duty and subsequently suspended the officers for their indisciplined behavior.
The SP emphasized the importance of maintaining discipline and professionalism within the police force, stating, “Such behavior is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of our law enforcement. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of conduct.”
This suspension serves as a reminder of the strict disciplinary measures in place to ensure that police personnel adhere to their duties responsibly. The incident has sparked discussions on the need for continuous training and reinforcement of ethical conduct among law enforcement officers.
The community has expressed mixed reactions, with some residents appreciating the swift action taken by the authorities, while others are concerned about the impact on the local police force’s morale. The suspended officers are part of the Nayagarh Reserve Police, and further investigations are underway to prevent such incidents in the future.