Bhubaneswar: Reliable & safe power has always been a basic requirement of every individual and with an objective to cater this, TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd. (TPCODL), a joint venture between Tata Power and the Government of Odisha under the guidance and support of Govt. of Odisha has carried forward a program to complete the Rectification of network effected under FANI.
On 3rd May 2019, cyclone FANI caused severe damage to Odisha paralysing a major part of Sub-Transmission and Distribution Networks, Equipment and Consumers Service Connection in the operational area of TPCODL. Back then power supply was restored by setting right the damaged network temporarily which in long term was not reliable and could pose safety hazards. This severity of the situation was reviewed jointly by GoO and TPCODL for rectification of the temporarily rectified FANI affected Network taking in consideration the safety of Public, Animal and Operation and also to enhance Power Supply Reliability and Quality. Under the guidance of GoO post FANI rectification works of affected networks have been taken up by TPCODL for which Honorable Energy Minister, Mr. Dibya Sankar Mishra reviewed the progress of works with Mr.M. Shenbagam, Chief Executive Officer, TP Central Odisha Distribution Limited.
Speaking on the developments Honorable Minister appreciated the approach and Quality work being done by TPCODL for rectification of FANI affected Networks. He stressed on completion of works on a war footing basis by deploying multiple fronts and deploying enough resources. He also assured to extend all kind of supportfor the interest of Public.CEO TPCODL has shown and explained the micro level planning for completion of the Project and he assured to meet the timeline even though unfortunate surge of Covid-19 is posing a tough challenge for maintaining seamless flow of materials and retaining/augmenting works force.