New Delhi: Delhi’s Saket court on Tuesday extended the police custody of Aftab Amin Poonawalla for the next 4 days in the sensational Shraddha Walkar murder case. Aftab was earlier produced before the Delhi court in a special hearing. Delhi Police had requested the court to extend his custody since Aftab had been misleading the investigators and giving false statements in connection with the bone-chilling murder case.
The investigators are yet to find the murder weapon and the chopped and charred head of Shraddha Walkar, the 27-year-old live-in partner of Aftab. Walkar was murdered by her live-in partner Aftab Ameen Poonawalla in the Mehrauli area on May 18. The accused then chopped her body into 35 pieces and disposed them of in several parts of the city.
Meanwhile, a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been filed in the Delhi High Court seeking transfer of the Shraddha Walkar murder case probe from Delhi Police to the Central Bureau of Investigation.