Chhattisgarh: In shocking news from Chhattisgarh, a nurse was tied and gang-raped by 4 including a minor in a health centre near Chhipchhipi village in Mahendragarh district. According to the victim, 4 accused recorded the assault and threatened to kill her if she went to the police. Three of the accused, including the 17-year-old, have been arrested and the fourth is on the run.
According to the police, the accused spotted the victim working alone at the health centre around 3 pm on Friday. They entered the centre, tied her up, gagged her and then took turns raping her.
The nurse later informed her parents and registered a complaint with the police.
“The woman has registered a complaint. Three of the accused have been arrested,” said senior police officer Nimesh Baraiya.
A group of health workers has raised concerns about working in remote areas and has urged the Chhattisgarh government to provide them with security.
“We want protection. If strict action is not taken against the accused, we will not work,” said Pratima Singh, Chief Health Officer at a health centre in the district.