Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday informed that the lockdown in the State will be lifted from Wednesday. However, the night curfew will be in place from 7 pm to 5 am, he added.
The CM took to Twitter and made the announcement.
लाॅकडाउन से कोरोना संक्रमण में कमी आई है। अतः लाॅकडाउन खत्म करते हुये शाम 7ः00 बजे से सुबह 5ः00 बजे तक रात्रि कर्फ्यू जारी रहेगा। 50 प्रतिशत उपस्थिति के साथ सरकारी एवं निजी कार्यालय 4ः00 बजे अपराह्न तक खुलेंगे। दुकान खुलने की अवधि 5ः00 बजे अपराह्न तक बढेंगी। (1/2)
— Nitish Kumar (@NitishKumar) June 8, 2021
Complete lockdown was imposed in Bihar on May 5 after the state was rattled by an explosive rise in COVID 19 incidence. More than half a million people have been infected since April while over 4,000 have died.