Mumbai: Apple CEO Tim Cook on Monday morning extended Diwali wishes to his followers and gave a shoutout to Mumbai-based photographer Apeksha Maker. Taking to Twitter, Mr Cook shared one of Ms Maker’s photos and said that the picture beautifully illustrated why Diwali is called the festival of lights.
The image, which was shot on an iPhone, showed ornated Diwali decorations. It featured a woman’s henna-decorated hands enclosing a ‘diya’ (earthen lamp).
Apeksha Maker shared a screenshot of Mr Cook’s tweet on Instagram and said that she was “humbled” to see the Apple CEO share one of her pictures.
This photo beautifully captures why Diwali is known as the Festival of Lights. Wishing all who celebrate a holiday full of joy and prosperity. #ShotoniPhone by Apeksha Maker.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) October 24, 2022