TVF has created waves with the release of the third season of its beloved show, Panchayat. Continuing its tradition of delivering relatable and compelling content, TVF has captured the hearts of the masses. Since its arrival, the show has been receiving tremendous love and setting new benchmarks for success. Now, Panchayat has earned a spot in Amul India’s creative campaign.
Amul India creatively integrated the theme of TVF Panchayat Season 3 with their brand. The campaign features the tagline, “MANNCHAAHAT MAKHAN” and “Amul, GAON MEIN BHI, PAO MEIN BHI.” Accompanying the creative poster, Amul shared the caption:
“#Amul Topical: Panchayat, a popular comedy streaming series, now in its third season!”
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Panchayat Season 3 has been receiving tremendous love from all corners, trending at No. 1 on the Ormax Stream Track in the list of Top OTT Originals of the week.
TVF has had a stellar year, starting with Sapne Vs Everyone and followed by Very Parivarik, both of which received tremendous appreciation. They then hit it out of the park with the phenomenal success of Panchayat Season 3 and Gullak Season 4. Next in line is the eagerly awaited season of Kota Factory.