New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the new Parliament House. The new Parliament House has been dedicated to the nation. On this occasion, many celebrities shared with their voice over on the appeal of the Prime Minister.
Shah Rukh Khan’s video post showcasing the virtual tour of the new Parliament Building includes his own voice-over narration. Adding to the patriotic ambience, the background features the theme music from his film ‘Swades.’
Akshay Kumar followed suit by sharing the video of the new Parliament building, accompanied by a poignant caption. Expressing his pride, Kumar described the magnificent structure as a lasting symbol of India’s progress and development.
Proud to see this glorious new building of the Parliament. May this forever be an iconic symbol of India’s growth story. #MyParliamentMyPride
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) May 27, 2023
Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to social media to respond to Akshay Kumar’s post, commending the actor for effectively expressing his thoughts.