After Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia in the liquor policy scam case, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) lashed out at BJP government and stated “We aren’t afraid, whether you put us in jail or even hang us,” news agency PTI reported.
Slamming BJP, AAP’s Atishi stated: “Since past 1 year, BJP could not show any evidence of corruption of even one rupee against him, this arrest was not related to any investigation…some excuse had to be made. When this matter will go to court, BJP will not be able to show proof of even one rupee,” ANI reported.
After over eight hours of questioning, the CBI arrested Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Sunday evening in connection with suspected corruption in the drafting and implementation of the now-cancelled excise policy for 2021-22.