Tokyo: India’s Deepika Kumari finished ninth overall in the ranking round of the women’s individual archery competition at the Olympic Games with a total score of 663 in Tokyo on Friday.
World Number 1 Deepika Kumar will now complete against Bhutan’s Karma in the Round of 32 of Elimination Rounds, starting on 27th July.
She had three relatively poor rounds (53, 53, 54) and that saw her slide down the rankings.
Deepika Kumari in qualification
Deepika Kumari in qualification
The top four finishers all went better than the existing Olympic record of 673 set by Lina Herasimenko, Ukraine (1996) so there was some high quality on display.
The Koreans dominated once again and just as in Rio 2016, swept the top three spots.
Final standings in the ranking round.
Deepika Kumari’s draw (Times JST)