In a significant crackdown, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is conducting extensive raids on the properties of Ratnakar Rout, a prominent mining businessman in Odisha. The operations are currently underway at multiple locations, including Rout’s farmhouse and residence in Dhenkanal, Hindol, and three other premises in Bhubaneswar.
The raids, which began early Wednesday morning, are part of an ongoing investigation into alleged financial irregularities and violations of mining laws. ED officials from Delhi are leading the operations, scrutinizing Rout’s business dealings, financial transactions, and property acquisitions.
Initial reports indicate that the ED is targeting 12 locations in total, aiming to uncover evidence related to the alleged illegal activities. This action follows a series of similar raids conducted by the ED in recent months, highlighting the agency’s intensified efforts to combat financial crimes and illegal mining operations in the state.
As the raids continue, more details are expected to emerge about the extent of the alleged violations and the potential legal consequences for Rout and his associates.