Mumbai: Actor Shalin Bhanot arrived at the sets of Bigg Boss 17 to support Abhishek Kumar who is one of the five finalists. Upon seeing the Bekaboo actor, Abhishek Kumar becomes emotional and hugs him. The makers have released a promo where Shalin also gives valuable advice to Abhishek Kumar about his ex-girlfriend Isha Malviya.
Upon seeing Shalin, Abhishek beamed with joy and gave the actor a giant hug. Shalin and Abhishek chanted ‘Jai Shri Ram’ as they hugged each other. Renowned journalist Dibang was also present there. He asked Shalin about Abhishek’s journey in the show to which Shalin said that Abhishek has faced a lot in the house. Shalin himself was among the top 5 finalists of Bigg Boss 16 and shared that Abhishek has suffered a lot in the house. He also criticized contestants who made a mockery of Abhishek’s mental health.Â
Dibang asked Shalin if Abhishek was never wrong, to which Shalin stated that of course, his friend was wrong at a lot of places, but making fun of someone’s mental health is not acceptable. When Dibang asked what advice he wants to give to Abhishek, the actor shared that he wants Abhishek to forget whatever bad has happened in the house. He advised the Udaariyaan actor to leave all the negativity inside the house.
Shalin later also stated that he wanted to advise Abhishek on the matter of his heart, but he is glad that Abhishek has finally handled everything well. Shalin, in direct reference, said that he wants Abhishek to advise about Isha Malviya, but he is glad that Abhishek has already understood everything on his own.