Bhubaneswar: Unidentified miscreants looted Rs 20 lakh and gold jewellery from a wedding house in Bhubaneswar’s Chakeisiani area. The incident occurred in the house of one Debadatta Samal, in Chakeisihani.
According to reports, on December 24, Debadatta went to visit Deoghar with family and handed over the keys to his tenant. But, last night, he found that the locker of the almirah was broken. Also, the cash and jewellery inside it were missing. He then filed a complaint in the police station.
Based on the complaint registered, the Police with the help of the scientific team have initiated an investigation to catch the miscreants. The tenant is suspected in the whole incident as the house owner had handed over the keys to him before going out.
It is worth mentioning that, on December 11, a series of thefts occurred in five flats in the Gadakana space town apartment in the Mancheswar area. Though the police have the CCTV footage, they couldn’t catch the thieves yet.