New Delhi: In a tragic incident, a 16-year-old minor girl was brutally stabbed to death by her boyfriend in Delhi’s Shahbad Dairy area. The 20-year-old accused, identified as Sahil, stabbed her at least 20 times before hitting her on her head with a stone.
According to sources, the accused has been arrested from Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr.
According to police, Sahil and the deceased, Sakshi, were in a relationship but on Sunday they had a quarrel. The accused attacked her while she was on her way to attend her friend’s son’s birthday.
The horrific incident was captured on the CCTV camera.
The girl’s body was seen by a police informer who alerted the force, which sent a PCR vehicle, according to Indian Express.
“Sahil and the deceased were in a relationship but yesterday they had a quarrel. The deceased was planning to attend her friend’s son’s birthday when the accused intercepted her, stabbed her multiple times & hit her with a stone. Accused is absconding and search for him is underway. FIR registered u/s 302 IPC at PS Shahbad Dairy,” a police officer told ANI.
Taking note of the incident, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal tweeted, “A minor girl is brutally murdered openly in Delhi. This is very sad and unfortunate. The criminals have become fearless, there is no fear of the police. L-G sir, law and order is your responsibility, do something. The safety of the people of Delhi is of paramount importance.”
Meanwhile, Delhi Commission for Women Chairperson Swati Maliwal told ANI, “A 16-year-old girl was stabbed 40-50 times and then was hit by a stone multiple times after which she died. All this has been captured on CCTV. Several people saw this but did not pay heed. Delhi has become extremely unsafe for women and girls. I appeal to the central govt to call a high-level meeting with Union HM, Delhi LG, DCW chief and Delhi CM.”