Ahmedabad: Gujarat Police launched an investigation into the alleged suicide of a 59-year-old doctor and is trying to ascertain if two people named by him in a purported suicide note are BJP Lok Sabha member Rajesh Chudasama and his father Naran Chudasama, officials said on Monday.
The doctor was found dead at his residence in Veraval on Sunday. He stayed in the same building where he ran a hospital and his body was found by his staff. A purported one-line suicide note in Gujarati recovered from the spot blamed Rajesh and Naran for his death, M U Masi, Veraval deputy superintendent of police (in-charge), said.
The victim’s relatives alleged that the names in the suicide note referred to Rajesh Chudasama, sitting MP from Junagadh-Gir Somnath and his father.
“We are investigating the matter. The note does not give details of the persons named. We have presently registered a case of accidental death. We have consulted a handwriting expert to verify the suicide note,” Masi said. Despite repeated attempts Rajesh could not be reached for a comment.