Bhubaneswar: In view of the rising Covid cases in some countries in the past few weeks, a review meeting with officers and experts was chaired by Smt. Shalini Pandit, Commissioner cum Secretary, H & FW Department, Odisha on Friday.
As per the views of the experts present in the meeting the current COVID situation in countries like Japan, the Republic of Korea, the USA, France, Brazil, Germany and China are showing a rise in cases in the last two weeks.
However, the situation in Odisha has remained stable with below fifteen cases per day since November 2022 and on most days it is below 10 cases. Hospitalisation at present in the state is nil with an active caseload of 54 as of date.
All experts are of the opinion that the current variants circulating in the last few months in India are all sub-variants of Omicron and have not led to any rise in cases or hospitalisation. They are also of the opinion that the new Omicron variants though associated with high transmissibility, but there is no evidence to suggest that it can cause disease severity or escape vaccine-induced community in our country.
As a measure of precaution and preparedness, the following actions are to be taken:-
Surveillance & Testing: The present testing level of 134 tests per million is much higher than the country level of 109 per million. Also, Odisha is testing 1552 samples to get one positive against India’s figure of 589 tests for one positive. In the above scenario, the current testing and surveillance strategy for the state has to continue as per the ICMR guideline.
Surveillance at Airport and Sea Port: The surveillance at Airports and Seaports is to be guided by the advisory/ guidelines issued by the GoI from time to time. The state IDSP team is to keep in close liaison with the Airport Authority and Ministry of Civil Aviation in this regard.
Whole Genome Sequencing(WGS): At present ILS, BBSR and RMRC, BBSR is conducting Whole Genome Sequencing for the COVID positive cases as a part of the INSACOG consortium. In the meantime, a WGS facility has been set up in the Deptt. of Bio Chemistry of SCB MCH Cuttack. It was decided that SCB MCH will apply to INSACOG for affiliation of their WGS laboratory with INSACOG. The reagent and consumables for the purpose will be supplied by OSMCL The Superintendent, SCB MCH, Cuttack shall provide a vehicle for sample transportation and the DoL for the above shall be met from PHRF. All districts are to take steps to send all positive samples to ILS, BBSR and RMRC, BBSR through courier.
Bed and treatment provision: SCB MCH, MKCG MCH and VIMSAR, Burla will continue the present 20-bed capacity (15 oxygen support + 05 ICU) up to 31st March 2023. However, they will review the situation and can increase 20 beds at a time on saturation of 50% of beds with prior approval of DMET. All DHHs are to keep 10 oxygen support beds in readiness with adequate manpower from available resources to meet emergency upsurge and requirements. No case of surgery, delivery and other essential health care should be denied in the name of COVID and all non-COVID activities should continue to ensure health care delivery.
Mock Drill: All district headquarters hospitals including Capital Hospital, BBSR, RGH, Rourkela & MC &Hs have to undertake mock drills uniformly across the State on 27.12.2022, to ensure operational readiness for the management of COVID with a specific focus on oxygen plants, ventilators, logistics and human resources. The form to update the status of the Mock Drill (which will be available by 24th December 2022 on the Covid India Portal) will be duly filled up facility-wise and to be uploaded positively on or before the 27th evening by DPHO or any designated officer. The whole will be monitored by MD, NHM(0) and DPH(0).
Manpower/Vehicle/DOL: The additional manpower and vehicles as allowed up to December 31st,2022 will continue till 31st March 2023 as per the terms and conditions prescribed earlier for all districts and Medical Colleges, Capital Hospital, BBSR & RGH, Rourkela. In view of the ensuing Hockey World Cup three more vehicles each (Dezire or equivalent) shall be allowed to the district of Cuttack, Sundergarh (Rourkela) and Director, Capital Hospital, BBSR for January 2023. Additional manpower for the above three districts for Hockey World Cup will be allowed for January 2023 if required, for World Cup Surveillance will be allowed on receipt of specific proposals from the concerned authorities. The testing facility in Bhubaneswar 86 Rourkela: In view of the ensuing Hockey World Cup it was decided that all UPHCs and UCHCs in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack 86 Rourkela will have facility for RAT and Swab Collection for RT-PCR with clear signage that “Walk in testing facility for COVID-19 is available here.”
Covid Appropriate Behaviour: An advisory shall be issued for people adhering to Covid appropriate Behaviour voluntarily such as • Use of mask • Hand washing • Self-isolation for symptomatic • Avoid spitting in public places
Fever Clinic: Fever Clinics to continue in all health facilities.
Vaccination: Currently as MoHFW has ceased the Public Covid vaccination programme, all the vaccines are exhausted in Govt. hospitals and are now available at 12 private health institutions on payment. It is decided to request MoHFW, and GoI to re-commence the public vaccination programme for precaution dose vaccination.
Drugs and logistics position: MD, OSMCL presented the Drug positions which will be adequate for handling a peak caseload similar to the peak of the 2nd wave. Sufficient kits are available for Covid testing at the current level for three months. Oxygen supply systems were reviewed and found to be adequate to handle any upsurge in caseload.
IEC activity: Director, of SIHFW, Odisha will undertake IEC activities to sensitise the people to voluntary adherence to Covid Appropriate Behaviour.