New Delhi: Kiran Rao’s directorial ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is all set to hit theatres on 3rd March 2023. The main cast of the film includes Sparsh Shrivastava, Ravi Kishan, and Chhaya Kadam, and the project is also launching two very talented young actresses who play the brides.
Laapataa Women marks Rao’s go back to route 11 years after her debut movie Dhobi Ghat. The teaser of the film dropped on Wednesday and can be hooked up to the prints of Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha, which opens on August 11.
Take A Look At The Teaser:
On the work front, Kiran Rao made her debut with Dhobi Ghat, which featured Prateik Babbar, Monica Dogra, and Aamir Khan in a longer look. Laapataa Women is her 2nd characteristic. In 2018, the filmmaker had spread out about how Dhobi Ghat would have had a “other reception” if it launched within the time of OTT.