New Delhi: World Oceans Day is celebrated every year on 8 June to create awareness among people regarding the significance of oceans, and the importance of preserving and conserving oceanic resources
The concept of celebrating ocean day on a global level was first proposed in 1992 by the Canadian government at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since the proposal was highly supported and appreciated by delegates, the UN General Assembly passed an official resolution to celebrate the 8 June as the World Oceans Day.
Every year, the World Oceans Day is celebrated under a specific theme. This year, the theme of World Oceans day 2023 is “Planet Ocean: The Tides are Changing.”
World Oceans Day is recognized annually to take actionable measures and initiatives regarding preservation of marine ecosystems, adoption of sustainable fishing practices, reducing pollution of oceans, and other major ocean related problems.
Every year, on the occasion of World Oceans Day, activities, seminars, educational workshops, and events are held by government and non-government organizations to aware people about the harmful effects of exploiting the oceans.
World Oceans Day has become quite popular over the years on an international level. It provides a platform for people to raise awareness about the role of oceans in supporting life on earth, and take steps to protect these precious natural resources for the upcoming generations.