Mumbai: The controversy over director Om Raut’s film ‘Adipurush’ doesn’t seem to end yet. After actors Sunil Lahiri, Deepika Chikhaliya of TV serial ‘Ramayana’, now Arun Govil has shared his point by sharing a video. Arun Govil said that the makers should keep in mind that in the name of creativity, they should not hurt religious sentiments. He said that it is seen only in Sanatan Dharma that people make jokes while this is not the case with other religions.
Arun Govil has shared a video on his Facebook page. He said, ‘Ever since the release of the teaser of Adipurush, there is a ruckus all around. It is discussed everywhere. I have got hundreds of calls. Calls have come from the channels and they wanted to know my reaction to the teaser. To tell the truth, I didn’t say a word to anyone. I told them – “I have nothing to say” but I felt that I should do some things with you.
Regarding this uproar, I felt that this is the right time when I can share my point with you. Listen carefully. It is the foundation for all human civilization. Neither the foundation can be shaken nor can the root be changed. Any kind of tampering and tampering with the foundation or the root is not okay at all.’
Arun Govil further says, ‘Nowadays it is becoming a trend, make fun of Sanatan Dharma, make objectionable posters of gods and goddesses, show them speaking in abusive language, after all who has given the right to tamper with our religious heritage or our feelings. Some filmmakers, some writers, some painters should take special care that in the name of creative freedom, they should not make fun of religion or present anyone’s beliefs and traditions in a twisted manner. Thanks to Narendra Modi and he said that he is engaged in the work of preserving religious and historical heritage.