Srinagar: Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri on Friday released the trailer of his upcoming series “The Kashmir Files Unreported” here and said the show consists of the research, archival footage and interviews he did for his 2022 movie “The Kashmir Files”.
The seven-part ZEE5 series delves into the “historical, ethnical, and geopolitical details, encapsulating the events, mistakes, crimes and circumstances that led to the massacre and mass exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the valley in the 1990s”, the streaming service said in a statement.
According to the makers, the show features conversations with historians, experts, real-life victims and their families.
Agnihotri claimed “The Kashmir Files Unreported” is a “type of national archive” that will serve as a “document for future”.
“We took viewpoints of historians, those who served here in the Army and police, Kashmiri Pandits, stories of victims recorded in video, and all the research that we had done. We have put it together which will be saved as a document for the future.
“It is a type of national archive, which ZEE5 is bringing to the world now. It is a valuable, important and priceless documentation,” the filmmaker told reporters.