Sambalpur: Three persons were arrested while 16 persons were detained by police on Saturday for allegedly making the obscene video of a couple viral in the locality. The incident took place at Bishalkhinda village under Shasan police limits in Sambalpur district.
According to police, one Surendra of Bishalkinda village had befriended a girl of a nearby village. He then fell in love with the girl and soon entered into a physical relationship.
He also recorded videos of their intimate moments on his smartphone. Unfortunately, those nude videos and pictures were obtained by some of the locals and they made it viral by sending others, police said.
Following this, Surendra lodged a complaint with Shasan police station and said that the accused locals threatened him to kill if he would not send other obscene pictures and videos of them, police added.
Acting on the plaint, police started an investigation into the case along with the cybercrime wing to ascertain the veracity of the allegation.
Subsequently, the accused were arrested from their residence and 16 others who were involved in this case were also detained. The accused were interrogated and further investigations are underway, police added.