Surprising Benefits Of Kamal Kakdi (Lotus Stem)


New Delhi: Lotus stem commonly known as Kamal Kakdi. The Health benefits of eating lotus root include a reduction in cholesterol, improves digestion, helps to lower blood pressure and also helps to boost immunity system.

Aids in Digestion: Lotus stems are high in fiber, which adds bulk to the stools and helps them flow more easily, preventing constipation.  It also helps in good digestion and prevents stomach-related problems.

Promotes Weight-Loss: Kamal Kakdi is a great food to add to a weight-loss diet because it’s high in fiber, low in calories, and high in nutrients. You will be fuller for longer periods of time if you eat roti with lotus stem sabzi.

Beneficial for Hair and Skin: The stem of a lotus plant is high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that dramatically prevents hair damage. It also aids in the creation of collagen, which is necessary for healthy skin, hair, and bones.

Prevents Water Retention: The high potassium content of lotus roots absorbs excess sodium and stimulates urine output. As a result, the roots aid in the prevention of excessive water retention.

Reduces Stress: Lotus stems are high in vitamin B, particularly niacin which can cause irritability, memory loss, stress, and headaches if deficient. We should consume vitamin B-rich vegetables like lotus stem to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

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