Chandigarh: No objectionable video of students was shot or sent by the woman student accused of it, the police said a day after a massive row at Chandigarh University. The woman had sent her own video to her boyfriend and both have been arrested, the police said.
The row in the university, located in Punjab’s Mohali, was apparently triggered by rumours, which had spread panic among new students who did not know each other, the police indicated. But the students were not satisfied and protests continued at the university till late evening despite police assurances of further probe by a Special Investigation Team.
The woman, a hostel resident, has been arrested and accused of voyeurism and under the IT Act. Her boyfriend, Sunny Mehta, 23, who works with a travel agency, has also been arrested from Shimla. A second man, who works at a bakery, has also been arrested from Shimla, the police has said.
Following the protests, the Punjab police formed a Special Investigation Team headed by a senior IPS officer to investigate the students’ allegations.Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann had promised a high-level inquiry into the incident.
The police are still investigating the matter and the accused woman’s phone has been sent for forensic tests, which can spot and recover deleted videos. The area around the bathroom is also being checked for hidden cameras.