Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan is back at Vaishno Devi for fresh darshan. This is the actor’s third visit this year and looks like he has made it a ritual to go to Vaishno Devi before every film release.
A video shared by news agency PTI shows Shah Rukh, along with his entourage of bodyguards and managers, walking along the cobbled path of the holy shrine in Jammu. He chose to go fully incognito in his black puffer jacket with the hoodie on. His manager Pooja Dadlani was also seen with him.
Previously, Shah Rukh visited Vaishno Devi exactly one year ago on December 12 before the release of Pathaan, which marked his comeback to the big screen after four years. It went on to collect more than ₹1000 crore worldwide. Later in August, he made the pilgrimage again before the release of Jawan. The film collected ₹1100 crore worldwide and remains the biggest hit of the year and one the most successful Hindi films ever made.