Say Goodbye To Stiff Neck With These Stretches


New Delhi: Stiff or tight shoulders can cause discomfort and limit a person’s range of motion. If the tightness goes unchecked, it can lead to neck pain and cause tension headaches. Here are a few easy and effective exercises that you can perform within a few minutes a day to relieve yourself of a stiff back and aching muscles:

Neck Extension (Backward Bending)

Gently extend the neck by looking upward and bringing the head backward while keeping the shoulders and back stationary. Once the head has gone back as far as it can go without increasing pain, try to hold the stretch for 5 seconds before returning the head to neutral (starting) position.

During a neck extension exercise, the stretch is felt along the front of the neck through the throat. The muscles working at the back of the neck may also be felt, from the base of the skull all the way down to the upper back.

Neck Flexion (Forward Bending)

Gradually lower the chin toward the chest and look downward while only moving the head. Once the head has been flexed forward as far as it can comfortably go, hold the stretch for 5 seconds before returning to the neutral position.

The neck flexion stretch is felt throughout the back of the neck.

Lateral Neck Flexion (Bending Side to Side)

Slowly bend the head to one side, such as by bringing the left ear toward the left shoulder. During this stretch, the shoulders and back remain still while the neck flexes laterally to the side. Once the head has flexed as far as it can comfortably go to the side, try to hold the stretch for 5 seconds before returning the head to the neutral position. This stretch is then repeated in the opposite direction.

When the lateral neck flexion is performed with the head bending toward the left shoulder, the stretch is felt along the right side of the neck.

Neck Rotation (Turning Side to Side)

While keeping the back straight and shoulders still, gradually turn the head to the left as far as it can naturally go without increasing pain. Once the head has reached its rotation limit, hold the stretch for 5 seconds before bringing it back to the neutral position. This same stretch is then repeated to the right.

Of all these stretches noted for a  stiff neck, rotation is often the most challenging, especially on one side or the other. It is recommended to only rotate the neck partway if that is all that can be done without increasing pain.

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