Hyderabad: Actor Rana Daggubati took to his Twitter handle and criticised Indigo Airlines in multiple posts. Sharing a gif image of the airline’s company, he wrote, “India’s worst airline experience ever @IndiGo6E !! Clueless with flight times…Missing luggage not tracked…staff has no clue can it be any shittier!!”
The domestic airline responded to the actor’s tweet and apologized for the “discomfort” he experienced when his luggage didn’t arrive.
“While we apologise for the inconvenience caused in the meantime, please be assured, our team is actively working to get your luggage delivered to you at the earliest,” IndiGo said in its response to the Bahubali actor’s Tweet.
Sir, we understand the discomfort when the bag doesn't arrive with you. While we apologise for the inconvenience caused in the meantime, please be assured, our team is actively working to get your luggage delivered to you at the earliest. (1/2)
— IndiGo (@IndiGo6E) December 4, 2022
While the posts met with a massive response, as many social media users complained about the kind of experience they had with the airlines, one of the flyers took to the platform to talk about the way the airlines mishandled the luggage.
I put the live action of mis handling the luggage yesterday but they are least bothered #horrible #Airlines #worst #experience
— Zasha (@shaluzala) December 4, 2022
Followed by the main post, a rather miffed Rana Daggubati continued taking digs at the ad campaigns of the airlines by sharing a series of tweets. Posting a photo of one of the ad campaigns, he said, “Note with this sale flights might not land or take off on anytime schedule!! – you’re luggage they’ll have no clue about”