Bhubaneswar: Price of vegetables skyrocket in Odisha, potato and onion prices shoot up as common people are at their wits end, say reports.
The price of most vegetables has crossed the Rs 80 per kilo bar. Potatoes and onions have shoot up beyond imagination. The prices are increasing with each passing day. Potato is selling for Rs.40 per kg and Onion is selling at Rs. 45 per kg.
Common vegetables in a household such as brinjal is being sold at Rs. 100 per kg. Pointy gourd (Potala) is being sold at Rs. 80, Capsicum at Rs.90, Ridge Gourd (Jahni) at Rs.70, Bitter Gourd (Kalara) at Rs. 100. Radish (Mula) is being sold at Rs. 120 per kg, Tomato is being sold Rs. 100 per kg. Consumers are being forced to buy half kg instead of their regular purchase of one or two kgs, said reports.
The consumers have expressed their utter dismay on the skyrocketing prices of these common household vegetables. The people whose income is below the income threshold and middle class families have been badly affected due to rising cost of living. Due to the lack of cold storage facilities in the district to store the produced crops the prices are increasing, the traders said.