Mumbai: Friday afternoon has sprung in a huge surprise for Priyanka Chopra fans as the actress was spotted at the Mumbai airport. She arrived to the city with husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas in tow.
The family of three is in India on Malti’s first trip to the country. They are reportedly in Mumbai for the grand opening of Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre. This is Malti’s first visit to India.
Photos and videos of Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas and Malti were shared on paparazzi and fans pages soon after they landed at Mumbai airport. While Priyanka was dressed in pink, Nick and Malti wore grey. Priyanka carried Malti in her arms as they made their way to their car. The family also posed for photos. Hours earlier, Hollywood actors Zendaya and Tom Holland were also spotted at Mumbai airport as they arrived in India for Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre’s opening on March 31.