Bhubaneswar: Odisha has recorded a collection of Rs. 2039.71 Cr under State GST (OGST + IGST Settlement) during June ’24 against corresponding collection of 1650.82 Cr recorded during June ‘23 registering a phenomenal growth rate of 23.56%. The progressive collection under State GST upto June ‘24 stands at Rs. 7000.98 Cr against a collection of Rs. 5427.10 Cr upto June 23 with a growth rate of 29.00%.
Odisha has also recorded collection of Gross GST (CGST+ IGST+ OGST + Cess) of Rs. 4987.27 Cr during June 2024 against corresponding collection of Rs. 4379.97 Cr recorded during June 2023 registering a growth rate of 13.87%. The progressive collection under Gross GST upto June 24 stands at Rs. 15916.31 Cr against a collection of Rs. 13813.44 Cr upto June 23 with a growth rate of 15.22%.
The collection under all Acts monitored by the Commissionerate of CT & GST, Odisha including OGST/ IGST Settlement / VAT and Profession Tax during June 24 is Rs. 3273.49 Cr against collection of Rs. 2783.74 Cr during June 23 with a growth rate of 17.59%. The progressive growth rate upto June 24 under all Acts stands at 22.28%.
During June ’24, 22.87 Lakh of waybills have been generated vis-à-vis 18.79 Lakh of waybills generated during June ‘23 recording a growth of 21.71% reflecting the buoyancy in the State economy. Out of the 22.87 Lakh e-waybills generated during June 24, 13.81 Lakh were intra-state waybills while 9.05 Lakh were inter-state waybills.