No Equipment Workout For Beginners


New Delhi: If you don’t have a lot of equipment, at-home bodyweight workouts are clutch and allow you to keep up your fitness routine. You might think your options are limited if you don’t have a whole rack of equipment at your disposal, but that’s definitely not the case. You can use bodyweight exercises to work nearly every muscle in your body, from your quads (squats) to your butt (glute bridges) to your chest (yes, you can do a push-up!) to your core (plank variations for the win!).

Instead of skipping exercise altogether, take just 10 minutes out of your day to do an effective workout and help you feel a lot better.

Try this simple 10-minute workout that requires absolutely no equipment.

Lateral Split Squats, 6 reps per side

By doing your squats side-to-side, you can build more strength in each leg than with regular squats while also targeting different muscles.

The move: Start with a very wide stance and your feet straight. Sit back into one hip and push that knee out. Repeat on the other side.

Pushups, 10 reps

This is the best bodyweight exercise for your upper body: It builds a strong chest, shoulders, arms and abs.

The move: Get in a pushup position with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Keep your lower back flat and don’t let your hips sag. Lower yourself and keep your elbows close to your body as you descend.

Hip Bridges, 10 reps

Want strong legs and a nice-looking backside? Look no further than hip bridges! They’re a simple way to strengthen your glutes and can even help release lower-back tension.

The move: Lie on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Drive through your heels and squeeze your glutes to push your hips up. Repeat. Do not use your lower back to pull yourself up.

Mountain Climbers, 30 seconds

Spike your heart rate, burn extra calories and fire up your metabolism with this great cardio exercise. It looks simple, but in just a few seconds, you’ll feel it!

The move: Get into a pushup position. Keep your core tight and run as fast as you can while driving your knees to your chest. Don’t let your hips rise; keep them at the same height as when you started.

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