Tamil Nadu: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Tuesday filed a chargesheet against four individuals in connection with an ISIS radicalization and recruitment case in Tamil Nadu, which stemmed from the 2022 Coimbatore temple car bomb blast incident.
The accused have been identified as Jameel Basha, Mohammed Hussain, Irshath, and Syed Abdur Rahman and charged under the relevant sections of the IPC and UA (P) Act. The charge sheet pertains to case RC-01/2023/NIA/CHE, which was initiated by the NIA Chennai branch in August 2023 following discoveries made in the Coimbatore car bomb blast case.
The investigation revealed that the majority of those arrested were involved in recruiting vulnerable youth into ISIS for carrying out illegal and terrorist acts. This indoctrination took place at the Madras Arabic College in Coimbatore, which was later renamed Kovai Arabic College.
Jameel Basha, the main mentor, encouraged his followers to set up Arabic language centres at the district level. Mohammed Hussain and Irshath established the centre in Coimbatore. These centres, along with social media and classroom sessions, were used to radicalize the youth, showcasing Jameel Basha’s sermons.
The IED attack outside the Coimbatore temple, part of a violent jihad promoted by the accused, was executed by Jamesha Mubeen, who had sworn loyalty to Darul-e-Islam/ISIS and was radicalized by Syed Abdur Rahman.