Bollywood actress Mahima Chaudhry has joined the cast of Kangana Ranaut directorial ‘Emergency’ asn she will be essaying the role of author Pupul Jayakar, who was Indira Gandhi’s close friend and also penned a biography on the late prime minister.
Kangana on Saturday revealed actor Mahima Chaudhry’s look from the upcoming film Emergency on her Instagram Stories. Sharing the poster featuring Mahima Chaudhry’s character in the film, Kangana wrote, “Welcome to the team, ma’am.”
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While Kangana wil essay the role of former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi in Emergency, Anupam Kher will portray the revolutionary leader J P Narayan and Shreyas Talpade as Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Emergency revolves around the life of former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and it features Kangana in the titular role of the late politician. Emergency is produced by Renu Pitti and Kangana Ranaut. The screenplay and dialogue are by Ritesh Shah.