New Delhi: The South Korean tech giant LG has launched Gram 2021 Laptops With 11th-Generation Intel Core Processors in India. It consists of 17-inch (17Z90P), 16-inch (16Z90P) and 14-inch (14Z90P) display variants. The LG Gram laptops pack the same specifications apart from the screen sizes. Scroll down to know more about the laptops.
LG Gram laptops price in India
The LG Gram laptops start at Rs 74,999 from the 14-inch variant. The devices can be purchased from online and offline channels across the country.
LG Gram 2021 Specifications
The LG Gram 2021 includes the LG Gram 17 (17Z90P), LG Gram 16 (16Z90P), and LG Gram 14 (14Z90P), all powered by 11th-generation Intel Core processors, as well as Iris Xe graphics and LPDDR4x RAM Huh. The laptops come with various connectivity options including Thunderbolt 4 and USB Type-C port for charging and data transfer. In addition, there is a keyboard with a touchpad. All three laptops under the LG Gram 2021 lineup also come with SSD storage and have an additional slot for expansion.
On the difference front, the new LG Gram 17 sports a 17-inch WQXGA (2,560×1,600 pixels) IPS display, while the LG Gram 16 sports a 16-inch display with the same WQXGA resolution and the new LG Gram 14. On the other hand, it comes with a 14-inch WUXGA (1,920×1,200 pixels) display. The displays of all three laptops have 99 percent DCI-P3 coverage and 16:10 aspect ratio. Plus, there’s a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio, thanks to LG’s ultra-narrow bezels and hidden hinge design.
The LG Gram 17 (17Z90P) and Gram 16 (16Z90P) both have an 80Wh battery, but the Gram 14 (14Z90P) has a 72Wh battery. In terms of weight, the 17-inch model weighs 1.35 kg, while the 16-inch and 14-inch versions weigh 1.19 kg and 999 grams respectively. The laptop is also built with the MIL-STD-810G military standard build.