New Delhi: India on Monday reported 39,796 new cases of the Covid-19 disease and 723 more deaths, taking the caseload and death toll to 30,585,229 and 402,728 respectively, according to the Union health ministry’s update at 8am.
The total recoveries climbed to 29,700,430 after 42,352 people recovered from the viral disease in the last 24 hours. The daily recoveries continued to outnumber the new cases for the 53rd straight day.
The active cases have further declined to 482,071 and constitute 1.59 per cent of the caseload.
Monday’s case count is 3,275 less than that of Sunday’s when 43,071 cases were reported. On the other hand, the toll on Monday is 232 less than that of Sunday’s when 955 succumbed to the viral disease.
A total of 419,777,457 samples have been tested for the Covid-19 disease so far of which 15,22,504 were tested in the last 24 hours, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Monday.