New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate has arrested a freelance journalist, Rajeev Sharma, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. He has been accused of supplying confidential and sensitive information to Chinese Intelligence officers, in exchange for remuneration.
Sharma was arrested on the 1st of July and produced before a local court in Delhi on Friday. The court sent him in custody of ED for seven days.
In a statement, the ED said that it initiated investigation on the basis of the FIR and charge sheet filed by Delhi Police against Rajeev Sharma.
During the investigation, it was revealed that the journalist had supplied confidential and sensitive information to Chinese Intelligence Officers, in exchange for remuneration. It was further revealed that cash for remuneration was being generated through Hawala means by Mahipalpur-based shell companies that were run by Chinese nationals.
Apart from cash, huge transactions were made with various Chinese companies and some other trading companies in India which are being examined.