New Delhi: The Fastrack Reflex Vox smartwatch was launched in India. The smartwatch features a 1.69-inch HD display, built-in Amazon Alexa support, a claimed battery life of up to 10 days, over 100 watch faces, and a multisport mode. Apart from this, the wearable also offers various health-related features such as a heart rate monitor, sleep tracker, activity tracker, and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) level monitor, among others.
Fastrack Reflex Vox Price in India, Availability
The Fastrack Reflex Vox price has been set at Rs. 6,995 but it is available at an introductory offer of Rs. 4,995. The smartwatch comes in four color options – Carbon Black, Blazing Blue, Champagne Pink, and Flaming Red. Customers can also swap out the soft silicone bands to jazz up their look.
According to a press release from the company, the wearable will be available at Fastrack stores, World of Titan, Titan authorized outlets, Shoppers Stop, and Lifestyle retail stores.
We’ve reached out to the company for information on how long the Fastrack Reflex Vox’s introductory price will last. This report will be updated when we respond to you.
Fastrack Reflex Vox Specifications
Although not all details of the Fastrack Reflex Vox smartwatch are known, the company has provided information on the main specifications. The smartwatch sports a 1.69-inch rectangular HD display and features built-in Amazon Alexa support. The wearable comes with over 100 watch faces and a multisport mode.
The smartwatch offers a heart rate monitor, Sp02 monitor, sleep tracker, activity tracker, stress monitor, and menstrual tracker. Fastrack Reflex Vox comes with features like music playback control, camera control, hydration alerts, and notification alerts. According to the company, the smartwatch offers up to 10 days of battery life.