Easy Yoga Asanas To Reduce Uric Acid Levels


New Delhi: Uric acid is known to acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent damage to our blood vessels lining. But, higher levels of uric acid in the blood are harmful. Uric acid is known to acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent damage to our blood vessels lining. But, higher levels of uric acid in the blood are harmful. A high level of Uric acid is harmful to our body. It happens when excess uric acid concentrates in the blood. This can happen mainly due to poor functions of kidneys, pre-existing medical conditions, or nitrogen-carrying compounds in the body.

The regular practice of these asanas prevents uric acid crystals from depositing in the joints, removing them and helping to prevent a flare-up. Here are some easy peasy yoga asanas that can help you to reduce uric acid naturally.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

This simple yoga helps you in improving your focus and concentration.

  • Stand tall with feet together, shoulders relaxed, and arms at your sides.
  • Take a full deep breath and raise your hands overhead, palms facing each other and arms are straight towards the sky.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)

This is a perfect posture to improve your balance and strengthen your back and legs.

  • Place your right foot high up on your left thigh. The sole of the foot should be flat and placed firmly. Keep your left leg straight and find balance.
  • While inhaling raise your arms over your head and bring your palms together.
  • Ensure that your spine is straight and take few deep breaths.
  • Slowly exhale and bring your hands down and release your right leg.
  • Repeat the same procedure with the other leg.


This pose stretches shoulders, hips, and back. It also helps to calm the nervous system and tones the abdomen.

  • Sit up with the legs stretched out, keeping the feet together and the spine erect.
  • Bend the left leg and place the heel of the left foot beside the right hip.
  • Take the right leg over the left knee and place the left hand on the right knee. Keep the right hand behind you.
  • Twist your waist, shoulders, and neck towards right look over the right shoulder.
  • While keeping your spine straight, continue long breath in and out.
  • While exhaling, release the right hand first, then release the chest and waist. Release your neck and sit relaxed. Repeat on the other side.

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