New Delhi: Delhi’s air quality index (AQI) was recorded in the ‘moderate’ category on Wednesday morning. The AQI was 130 at 9am on Wednesday in comparison to Tuesday’s 89 AQI (satisfactory) at 4pm as a result of light showers and winds.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) classifies an AQI between 0-50 as good, between 51 and 100 as satisfactory, between 101 and 200 as moderate, between 201 and 300 as poor, between 301 and 400 as very poor and over 400 as severe.
According to the Air Quality Early Warning System for Delhi, the AQI of Delhi will decline to ‘poor’ category by Thursday.
“The predominant surface wind is likely to be coming from Northwest directions in Delhi with wind speed 08-16 kmph,” an official said.
Safdarjung observatory recorded a minimum of 17.3°C, one degree below normal while the forecast for the maximum on Wednesday is around 26.2°C, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said.
Met officials said that the minimum will remain below 20°C throughout the week while the maximum will return to 30°C by the weekend.
Forecasts show no rain is expected in the region in the next six days. The national Capital will mostly have clear skies till Friday, with partly overcast conditions through the weekend.