New Delhi: The CBI is questioning Lok Sabha MP Karti Chidambaram for the third consecutive day on Saturday in connection with its probe into the alleged Rs 50-lakh bribery case.
Karti Chidambaram arrived at the CBI headquarters early in the morning to face the investigation team.
The CBI is questioning Karti Chidambaram since Thursday in the 11-year old case which the Congress leader has termed as “most bogus” and a result of “political vendetta”.
On May 14, the CBI had registered an FIR against Karti and others over allegations of a Rs 50-lakh bribe being paid to him and his close associate S Bhaskararaman by a top executive of Vedanta group company Talwandi Sabo Power Ltd (TSPL) for re-issuance of Project Visa for 263 Chinese workers.
The agency has already arrested Bhaskararaman in connection with the case.