New Delhi: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi embarked on the ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ from Kanyakumari on Thursday morning. Rahul Gandhi along with other Congress leaders commenced the 3,570-km padyatra from Agasteeswaram in Kanyakumari.
The yatra began with Rahul hoisting the flag at the campsite of Bharat Yatris, who will walk with him.
Rahul along with the 118 yatris plan to finish their ambitious journey in Srinagar by the beginning of February next year. The Bharat Jodo Yatra will pass through 12 states and two Union Territories over the next 150 days.
Gandhi on Wednesday had flagged off the party’s ambitious ‘Bharat jodo’ yatra with an assertion that he will not lose his country to hate
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had said that the country is facing its “worst-ever economic crisis” and is heading towards a “disaster”. He also alleged that a handful of large businesses are controlling the country with the help of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking at the launch of the Congress’ ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ at a rally in Kanyakumari, Gandhi said during the British period, there was one East India Company that controlled the country, now there are three-four companies doing so.