New Delhi: Actress Swara Bhasker took to her social media account to inform her fans and followers that she and her family have tested positive for Covid-19. They are all under home quarantine currently.
Swara shared a text post on Instagram that read, “I have tested positive for Covid. I developed symptoms on January 5th 2022 and RT-PCR test results just confirmed the same. I and my family have been isolating since 5th Jan evening… and I’m taking all the necessary precautions. I’ve informed everyone I met in the week prior about my having Covid; but if anyone else did come into contact with me, please get yourself tested. Double mask up and stay safe ya’ll (sic).”
Swara captioned her post, “Hello Covid! Just got my RT-PCR test resulted and have tested positive. Been isolating & in quarantine. Symptoms include fever, a splitting headache and loss of taste. Double vaccinated so hope this passes soon. SO grateful for family & to be at home. Stay safe everyone (sic).”